Jurgena Ots, čuvar i posrednik zagrobnog života napuštenih predmeta iz prošlih vremena,  obitava Jeu De Balle u Bruxellesu, tijekom radnog vremena buvljaka, gotovo svakog dana u tjednu. Pažljivo prebire ostatke, u potrazi za najposebnijim predmetima. Na oku su mu artefakti minorne kulturne baštine: komadi zastarjelih medija, čudni priručnici, stoljeće stare mehaničke notne ploče, okviri devetnaestostoljetnih […] Više
In June 2024, GMK will host the site-specific installation "Supporting Material” by Ebb Collective, created during the residency program. Više
In June 2024, GMK will host the site-specific installation "Support Materials" by the Ebb Collective, created during the residency program. Više
Dora Brkarić will present her dance performance STRIPTEASE at the GMK on May 22 as part of the 18th Vox Feminae Festival. In the show, she and Iva Katarinčić take on the role of cam girls, using the lights of their smartphones to explore and challenge the boundaries of the audience's gaze. The performance delves into themes of identity, sexuality, and representation in both physical and virtual spaces. Više
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I WOULD SWALLOW IT? by Valentina Butumović has been declared the winning work of the Factory 2024 competition. The concept explores the complex connections between intimacy, decomposition, reproduction, eroticism, and cultural fermentation, using petroleum derivatives as the primary materials. The work reflects on both culture and the mythologies that arise from […] Više
The cycle of creative art therapy workshops is aimed at promoting the importance of mental health, understanding ourselves, and developing a stable, supportive, and sensitive relationship towards others in the community. This project touches upon the foundations for successful mutual support as a basis for coping with everyday life and manifests in the development of […] Više