Transient Hole (Variations) VIII

Transient Hole (Variations) VIII
Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic (G-MK)
Šubićeva 29 – 10000 Zagreb 

contributions by:
Atzgerei Productions, Arnold Berger, Vitar Drinkovic, Sophie Dvořák, Alexander Felch/Aisek Ifraimov, Hrvoje Hiršl, Christoph Hoeschele, Harald Hund, Ana Muscet, Vladimir Novak, Anja Nowak, Jaysha Obispo, Predrag Pavic, Jeroen van Amelsvoort, Anna Vasof, Stefan Voglsinger, Jan Vormann, David Wauters, Hui Ye et al.

opening: 6.10.18, 7pm

Transient Hole Research – Instationarity as an artistic concept / a scientific particularity

LIVE Performances by:

T_A-Z (A)
Paul Gründorfer is using process-related setups to explore sonic worlds and to realise site specific interventions. He is developing real time audio systems, that act autonomous or in reference to the spatial constellation. While considering the encounters between analog and digital, structured or improvised elements, his works focus on the abstract occurrence of sound and its physical impact. His artistic activities examine variable connections between transmitter-receiver networks, which function as a conceptual framework for experimentation with sound and transmission of information.

Tin Dožić (HR) – In/Through Empty Spaces
A noise performance for sounds that don’t vibrate through the air and for those affected by the shape of empty space around them. Electromagnetic emmisions, no input mixing, preamp hiss and physical filtering create textures and noises that vibrate through the room. 
Tin Dožić (1989) completed his studies in psychology at the Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb and new media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In his artistic practice, he takes the sound medium as a starting point and his fields of activity include multimedia, field recordings, radio, experimental music, works in public space and installations. His work is based on the media research through the practice of developing his own electronic instruments, appropriation of outdated technologies and recycling. Current topics of interest are media archaeology, the anthropocene, DIY culture and development of temporary sleep communities.

DJ: Soziale Plastik Beuys (A)

curated by Alexander Felch + Hrvoje Hiršl

About the project:
Transient Hole Research (THR) is a hybrid curatorial/artistic project and a symposium started in summer of 2017 by viennese artist and curator Alexander Felch. The project`s title refers to a concept for a media artwork, that cannot, properly speaking, be materialized for it deals with a moving void – a transient hole.

Across the floor of a white, three-dimensional room a little black hole constantly and randomely moving. The hole is simultaneously there and not there. It is a portal to nowhere. But is it really? Might it not lead to transcendence, to another reality, or perhaps our reality can only be understood through this liminal presence of nothingness?

Although this concept is easy to understand, it is nevertheless impossible to represent it in reality. There is no way to depict an actual hole moving through space and time, apart from virtual digital simulations.

Therefore the participants of Transient Hole (Variations) are invited to provide their own interpretation of this problem and develop means to represent it, whether through art or science, to display processes, that cannot be depicted in reality. The aim of the project is obviously not to find a solution to this existential paradox but to bring about a reflection on the topic from a myriad of disciplines and different perspectives which explore the limit of representation.
The various responses to the THR problematic will be gathered in a collected volume that is in itself a reflection on the boundary between art and science, reality and fantasy.
(concept: Alexander Felch)

Transient Hole (Variations):
The project appears – just like the transient hole itself – in different cities popping up in various formats and is accompanied by lectures, talks and (sound-) performances.

TH (V) I: Zentrale Vienna (A) – 10/17 – group show / performances
TH (V) II: Geek Picnic Krasnodar (RF) – 09/17 – performative lecture
TH (V) III: Arebyte Gallery London (UK) – 04/18 – performative lecture
TH (V) IV: fp24 Antwerp (BEL) – 06/18 – group show / sound performance
TH (V) V: spektrum Berlin (D) – 07/18 – sound performances / group show
TH (V) VI: depot St. Petersburg (RF) – 07/16 – artist talk
TH (V) VII: Zentrale Vienna (A) – 09/18
TV (V) VIII: Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic (G-MK) (HR) – 10/18 – group show / sound performances / performative lecture
to come:
TH (V) IX: tba Paris – screening – 11/18
TH (V) X: Furtherfield London – group show / sound performances / locative media game / panel – 11/18

Made possible with kind support by the
Federal Chancellery of Austria – Art and Culture
– and a little help from my friends