Bok Bok (6th annual LMU/ALU project) Saturday, April 23, 2011

The exhibition Bok Bok has been developed within the frame of an annual project of linking students of BA Animation and New Media Department at the Zagreb Academy of Art, with the Fine Art BA students based at London Metropolitan University. 

The project begins with a series of meetings, readings and workshops which aim to set out some of the objectives of the project. Although the underlying themes change from year to year, they often tend to circle issues related to foreignness, the exotic, tourism, displacement/dislocation, and estrangement. During their time in each of these cities the students from each university take part in group seminars and presentations, as well as attending exhibitions, museums, talks, bars, pubs etc. The work is often developed in and for the city and gallery where the work is presented.
rnThe nature of the project embraces the improvisational character of the works, developing in a climate of fluidity and spontaneity. The experience often involves the students’ preconceptions and positions being constantly challenged. Therefore works are not always completed, but rather might form the beginnings of work to be made at a later stage. This joint project and the exhibition is a continuation of a collaboration started in 2005 with the aim of developing a long-term exchange between the two art schools.

The exhibition at G-MK has been coordinated by Ana Kovačić.

Supported by: London Metropolitan University, Akademy of Visual Arts, Zagreb, Student Assembly, Zagreb

The program of G-MK is supported by City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture RH.