Center For Drama Art/ EAST-DANCE-ACADEMY (EDA) : What to affirm? What to perform? / 12. – 14. 12. 2008./ international symposium with Ric Allsopp, Jonathan Beller, Cosmin Costinas, Bojana Cvejic, Isabel de Naveran, Bojana Kunst, Tomislav Medak, Janez Jansa, Goran Sergej Pristas, Tanja Vrvilo, Katherina Zakravsky etc.

Making cinema in the manner of dance and making dance in the manner of cinema produces the problematisation of formative categories of choreography and performance as metaphors in favour of thinking about choreography as a cultural, technical, procedural, economic and not merely as an aesthetic category.

Center For Drama Art
What to affirm? What to perform?

12. – 14. 12. 2008.

international symposium
Participating: Ric Allsopp, Jonathan Beller, Cosmin Costinas, Bojana Cvejic, Isabel de Naveran, Bojana Kunst, Tomislav Medak, Janez Jansa, Goran Sergej Pristas, Tanja Vrvilo, Katherina Zakravsky etc.

Making cinema in the manner of dance and making dance in the manner of cinema produces the problematisation of formative categories of choreography and performance as metaphors in favour of thinking about choreography as a cultural, technical, procedural, economic and not merely as an aesthetic category.

 The symposium will focus on the cinematic modes of choreography (modes of choreo-cinema, cinematic thought and practice in dance) thus making a step further from the propositions and discussions produced during Film Mutations: Festival of Invisible Cinema, one of the axes of the EDA project. The symposium will open a dialogue in the format of “parallel-slalom” on the questions of:

– cinematic modes of representation in dance

– choreography of attention

– social choreography and cinema

– editing and choreography

– optimization and economy of movement, attention and space

– framing, montage, fragmentation

– choreographic modes of film making



12. 12. Friday
Tanja Vrvilo / Goran Sergej Pristas
Uvod /Introduction

Subota 13.12. Saturday
10.00 – 14.00
Tomislav Medak/ Katherina Zakravsky
pažnja / akcija
rod / zanr      
montaža / uokvirivanje

attention / action    
gender / genre   
editing / framing
Bojana Kunst / Ric Allsop

protokol, odnos, prijelaz                  
pažnja, sadašnji trenutak, diseminacija, ono što je u nadolazenju  
konstelacija, postav, instalacija      

protocol, relation, passage
attention, present moment, dissemination, yet-to-come
constellation, arrangement, installation

16.00 – 18.00
Bojana Cvejic / Isabel de Naveran

uokvirivanje, montaza, fragmentacija
montaza i koreografija
prostor / paznja

framing, montage, fragmentation
editing and choreography
space / attention

“Kinematografske borilacke vjestine” / “The Martial Art of Cinema”
Jonathan Beller
predavanje / lecture
u suradnji s Vizualnim kolegijem / in collaboration with Visual Collegium

net.kulturni klub mama, Preradoviceva 18


“The Martial Art of Cinema” considers emergent relationships among visuality, corporeality, choreography, digitization and capitalism in Hong Kong and the Philippines. Cinema is understood here as at once a form of social programming and a weapon, as well as a symptom of the transformed metaphysics and politics wrought by the relentless capitalization of sensuality. These vectors are discernible as new forms of spatialization, temporality, action, movement, inscription and affect, and other experiential moments as yet unnamed.

14.12. Sunday

11.00 – 13.00
Janez Jansa / Cosmin Costinas
formatiranje / zumiranje
koreografija paznje
formatting / zooming
choreography of attention

Coordination: Agata Juniku, Marko Kostanic, Nikolina Pristas, Goran Sergej Pristas
Organization: Ana Seba

EAST-DANCE-ACADEMY (EDA): What to affirm? What to perform? is a joint project by Centre For Drama Art (Zagreb), National Dance Centre (Bucharest), Maska (Ljubljana), Tanzquartier (Vienna) and Allianz Kulturstifftung. The project aims at affirmation of the situation as well as the modes of historical appearance of choreographic thought within non-instititutional conditions i.e. it is a research into the ways dance developed specific strategies of self-organization, self-education and political activation.

Supported by Allianz Kulturstifftung and City Office For Culture Zagreb