Ivan Marušić Klif: Phase shift

The exhibition “Phase shift” is a multimedia installation by Ivan Marušić Klif created for a space, software, four cameras, four televisions, light and a visitor.

In technical sciences, the phase shift is the difference in the oscillation phase of two equal frequency processes. In this artwork, the shift occurs at two levels: in space and in time. The cameras are located in different places in space, equally spaced in the same direction, and their movements are mutually delayed.

Unlike most Klif’s installations that evoke technological spectacle, here everything is subtle: there is a table with four televisions and one chair in front of it – a call to visitors to take time and observe. The texture of the video we see on four small TVs is often gentle, occasionally with a lot of grain in the picture. We hear a light white noise that is slightly modulated by changes in the brightness of the picture, while the light changes slowly according to camera movements. The cameras capture objects in space and their shadows, details of architecture, and a few drawings on the wall. As they always record the same object but from different angles, we get the impression of movement, i.e., frozen frames of some moving sequences. Looking at the sequence of cadres and always a little different rhythm of their changes, we are trying to link the images we see in some narrative – a series of images in the story – although the order of change is determined by accident.


Many thanks to: professor Karmen Farac Turković, X. Gymnasium (Zagreb), Natural History Museum in Zagreb, Dario Weygand, Nataša and Tanja Kanceljak, Nicole Hewitt.

* The exhibition Fazni pomak is supported by: City of Zagreb and Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia. Program and work of Gallery Miroslav Kraljević is supported by ZakladaKultura Nova.*