Marijan Molnar: Translations

Three projects, using Internet and its specific forms and possibilities, examine current sense of the great principles of modernity, as well as their communication range within particular social interest groups and categories of their closeness and openness, obsessiveness and indifference…
1. FRATERNITE OR TWIN BROTHERS Relevant to the questions that we put to the others.
2. EGALITE OR YOU NEED MORE! Relevant to the questions that we put to ourselves.
3. LIBERTE OR WHERE ARE THE ANIMALS? Relevant to the questions that we put to nobody.

All of these projects reach their climax on certain symbolical dates in 2006:
Consumers’ Day, March 15, 2006
Romanies’ Day, April 8, 2006
Animals’ Day, October 4, 2006

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Marijan Molnar
(1951, Reka, Croatia) graduated painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1976. From 1976. to 1979. he was collaborator of the Masters’ Workshop of painters Ljubo Ivančić and Nikola Reiser. In 2002 he published the artist’s book with texts and photo-documentation of his works along with texts written by Marina Gržinić, Marijan špoljar and Ana Dević.He lives and works in Zagreb.