Workshops in the framework of the project re.act.feminism 2 – a performing archive at Galerija Miroslav Kraljević

All interested in the history, theory and practice of performance are invited to join the research-production workshops led by Suzana Marjanić in the framework of the project re.act.feminism #2:
 “Zoo-scene and eat art — the performing, exhibitionary and acting animal”
Friday, 04 May 2012: 5.00-8.00 pm
“Performative music: from bruitism to local examples of lesionism — a collage”
Friday, 11 May 2012: 5.00-8.00 pm
re.act.feminism #2_a performing archive is a continually expanding, temporary and living performance archive travelling through six European countries from 2011 to 2013, presented on its own or within various exhibition formats and accompanying performances, lectures and workshops. It includes feeminist, gender-critical and queer performative works by artists and artistic collectives since the 1960s until today, presented through photographic, textual and video documentation.

In the framework of the presentation of the archive from May 5-26 in Galerija Miroslav Kraljevic, Zagreb, two workshops led by Suzana Marjanic are organized. The first workshop, “Zoo-scene and eat art — the performing, exhibitionary and acting animal” will take place on Friday, May 4, 5-8 pm, and the second, “Performative music: from bruitism to local examples of lesionism — a collage”, on Friday, May 11, 5-7 pm. The introductory lectures and discussions are based on analysis of selected examples from the re.act.feminism archive (, as well as the analysis and contextualization of examples from the local context, with the aim of contributing to the historicizing and theorizing of performance in Croatia and the region. Depending on the interests and desires of participants, the workshops will also involve collaborative work on compiling a “performative textbook”, as a toolbox for further research into the discussed topics, and collaborative work on creating a sound and/or music performance.

The workshops are open to everyone, on the condition that they confirm their interest and participation by email (, to which any further questions should also be addressed. Detailed information on the workshops are attached below.

The curators of the project re.act.feminism are Bettina Knaup and Beatrice E. Stammer. The main organizer is the Berlin based organization cross links e.V., dedicated to research and promotion of experimental, gender-critical artistic and cultural practices. Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, one of the seven project partners, is the organizer of the project’s presentation and program in Zagreb.