Selection in Contemporary Art, public discussion

The discussion deals with issues of selection from the perspective of communication / mediation of art to the public and the significance of selection and methodology in the context of writing / creating art history.Participants:
Eva Brunovic (Ministry of Culture, Republic of Croatia)
Kresimir Purgar (art critic, editor of Kontura magazine)
Andreja Kuluncic (artist)
Enes Quien (art critic)
Vladimir Gudac (art critic)
KONTEJNER /Olga Majcen & Suncica Ostoic/ (curators)
Marko Golub (art critic)
Nevena Tudor (art historian)
Nicole Hewitt (arist and teacher at the Academy of Fine Arts, Zagreb
Silva Kalcic (art historian, curator)
Tihomir Milovac (art historian, curator)

Moderated by:
Gordan Karabogdan and Tomislav Soban (artists) and Nikica Klobucar (art historian)

consultation (g-mk):
/Ivana Mance, Antonia Majaca, Evelina Turkovic/The discussion is concerned with issues such as the significance of selection from the perspective of communication/mediation between art and the public; the meaning of selection and methodology in the context of writing/creating art history; consequences of selection as curatorial activity; consequences of selection as activity of jounalists and art critics; the issues of responsibility in selection; methodologies and selection of information in education about contemporary art; relation of art and theory in contemporary art education; key factors in deciding upon financing contemporary art projects etc.