UFO – Ana Vuzdarić and Marko Gutić Mižimakov

U.F.O., 2017

unknown flying object
unknown fantasy object
unknown female object
unknown facebook object
unknown fragmented object
unknown futuristic object

THE FIRST STEP: #000f-chan and The Nameless One

The Nameless One is a construct and a fantasy by Ana Vuzdarić created specifically for the project My Sweet Little Lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise). The Nameless One is a collection of fragmented information that is accessed through a text-based game, the so-called text adventure. The Nameless One exists in a dystopian near future – more precisely in 2020 – where mankind has destroyed itself. The Nameless One is a manifestation of the author who finds it easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

#000f-chan came about as a result of Marko Gutić Mižimakov’s need to leave Facebook and relinquish the care of his nine-year-old profile to someone else. Functioning as a bot and a fraud image, #000f-chan (or simply f-chan) had appeared in different stages of computer generated imagery even before Vuzdarić contacted Mižimakov.


As two not entirely formed characters, f-chan and The Nameless One inhabit the space of the gallery for the duration of the exhibition. By taking over the function of the artist from the virtual space of Facebook, f-chan is transferred into the gallery space and is continually present through a “real-time broadcast”, while the text adventure of The Nameless One can be accessed in the gallery through QR codes.


On the last day of the exhibition, f-chan’s broadcast into the gallery and The Nameless One’s text adventure will end, thus leaving a brief trace of their contact.
***The Namless One can still be found on following links:


The exhibition is part of the project “My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise)” which presents works from the Kontakt Collection in Vienna along with other historical, contemporary and new works that provide interpretations and critical rethinking of the collection. Founded in 2004, the collection includes capital works by a number of the most prominent artists from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe from the 1960s onwards. The project is dedicated to Mladen Stilinović (1947-2016) and is named after his work from 1993. “My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise)” will take place over several months (November 2016 – May 2017) in six episodes in various gallery spaces, ateliers and private apartments. The project is curated by WHW in collaboration with Kathrin Rhomberg.