The Torn Canopy of the Heavens
Brajnovic’s Art War “for Harmageddon”
In the turbulent 1972 while writing the foreword for the catalogue “Surrealism and Croatian Art”, Igor Zidić wrote the following statements that should be thought about anew from the suitable historical point of view:
“…Finally around 1960 thanks to the objects by Marcelo Brajnovic and Miroslav Šutej as well as the sculptures by Ivan Kozaric and Vanja Radaus, the spirit of surrealism created the body, and the concealed and hidden dreams could be suddenly touched. Things – objects, items, sculptures – are the performing organs of surrealist rebellion, the surrealist Eros; our surrealism finally got the big teeth …”
(emphasized: Cerovac in 2000).
The artist of quoted lines about the “toothed” surrealism in Croatia could hardly guess that Marcelo Brajnovic, a distinctive artist and the “ambassador of the Kingdom of God” with the prophet surname of Elias, by the end of the second millennium had its new artistic teeth grown, sharper and more dangerous than those afore bound to the traditions of European surrealism.
With the intimidating radical, prophet-like artistic guard and pathos, Brajnovic as Elias, dared to conceive and build, in global terms the unique, Gesamtkunstwerk under the general title of the exhibition – project CORPUS DELICTI ANGLO – AMERICAE (1999). When facing the monumental presentation of that exhibition at the Diana Gallery in Pula (1999), the appalled team of the Gallery O.K. of Rijeka’s Multimedia Center, was not at ease till in 2000 they transferred and presented it in their space. The exhibition in Zagreb’s Miroslav Kraljevic Gallery under the working title WAR FOR HARMAGEDDON, to the artist means a further step in the development of work-in-progress project CORPUS DELICTI. All exhibits, including also the big perforated remnant of the American “flying fortress”, have been plastically and symbolically reinterpreted precisely for the particular exhibition. These unusual “ready-made” relics are framed into artistically shaped anti – reliquaries, and are set into religiously and ideologically neutral exhibiting space. Ergo, all controversies concerning artistic and written practice of the artists should be firstly looked upon as something extraordinary and intriguing, as well as aesthetically legitimate and relevantly articulated conduct of an contemporary artist – if, of course, we dwell on the field of aesthetics, art history and art criticism. The artist is obviously thoroughly familiar with the disposable repertoire of the offered modernist and post- modernist idioms and practice. Only from the outside and aspectually he could be compared with the “retrograde” and simulation practices such as IRWIN, the NEW COLLECTIVISM (encompassed into NSK – State in Time), or the line of post- conceptualists from “post-communist” countries. Not even in the “late-capitalist” western countries there is nothing analogue with Brajnovic”s (JAHVAH’s) Kingdom of God, built from the body of a gigantic war airplane from the World War II, together with the found and preserved pilot”s uniform, rich with war heraldic and textual data, with the coded logo and “instructions for usage”. This work of a lifetime, a true Oeuvre of an artist in the end of the Biblical “time”, in any case should be seen.
>From the master’s notes of “the torn canopy of heavens” we can read what fell in front of the boy Marcelo: 11.11.1944 on its way back from Germany, the American flying fortress SUPERFORTRESS B-29, started to loose height and was forced to land on a field in Karjoba near Rovinjsko Selo… As a miracle, till the present days a part of the body of the plane was preserved as a roof of a country house, the rear right part 4x2m long, and was 31.03. 1997 exhibited at the Embassy of the Kingdom of God on Golo Brdo in Rovinjsko Selo.
Only the fragments of this remnant and its art elaboration are exhibited as a part of “War for Harmageddon” exhibition.
Branko Cerovac
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Dear Mr Franceschi!
I was startled by Your request to reduce my text from five to only two pages. Do You think it is possible to write a text on two small pieces of paper and save the world with it? THE WAR FOR HARMAGEDDON THROUGH THE TORN CANOPY OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR KING OF BABYLON was being announced for thousands of years. In order to become masters of HARMAGGEDON “the kings of the world” have spent enormous riches and used all possible devices, public and secret Summits, tactics and pressures, blackmails, corruption and deceit, wars, exodus and raids, earthquakes, floods, fires. Yes, they have occupied the hill for gathering of the troupes, the crossing of roads that lead from God to people, the royal path – MEDIA, that with divine forethought was named: HARMAGEDDON!
How should I describe “THE CANOPY OF KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR OF ANGLO-AMERICA” with few words on two pages? The canopy that King of the North-Anglo-America first stretched in front of the Vatican during the World War II and then spread it all over the world; the canopy that Divine Providence started to tear apart on the 7th of July 2000 in order to enlighten the forehead of his Ambassador Marcelo Brajnovic – Eliah, to make it hard as diamond against them, as once before the forehead of the prophet Ezekiel!
How to explain, without the support of Biblical quotations, that Divine Justice is slow but still quicker than Flying Fortresses, supersonic airplanes, rockets, probes, aircraft carriers. More destructive than explosives, atomic bombs and more poisonous than war gases! Too many people are in danger. I tremble and scream! How to explain to haughty Europeans lead by French President that Anglo-America is present in Europe because Jahavah raise it and lead it to loot and rob Europe, to humiliate its gilt wooden gods and goddesses, just as once he rewarded Nebuchadnezzar and his army for pulling down Tyr by giving him the whole of Egypt to sack and its gods to destroy. All of this should be proved by the Bible! Who is going to believe the “naked” Ambassador M. Brajnovic – Eliah when he says: Obey to the King of the North – Anglo America because by doing so you are obeying the will of God?
How to explain to Croats that since 1995 Croatia is kingdom and that Croatian king is named Michael and that he rules Croatian People and the whole world from the Heaven and that his governor on Earth is Marcelo Brajnovic – Eliah?
In 1995 Croatian king Michael through his Ambassador has asked for one hour at national television to greet his voters that in great majority voted for him. President Tudjman turned a deaf ear to the request of legitimately chosen King, convinced that wooden gods will fortify his authority. Mr Stjepan Mesic followed his steps believing that he is going to rule in Croat Kingdom drinking coffee with citizens.
How to explain that the existence of Croatian state implies the ruin of Anglo America? I tremble, scream and wave my wings in the bird-cage, praying silently: God, make your Kingdom visible!
Dear Mr Franceschi!
Lives of billions of people are on stake! Following the steps of Croatia Anglo- America does not want to admit that people have with 100,000,000 votes elected Croatian King Michael to rule them from the Heaven and that he established the visible form of power in the person of M. Brajnovic – Eliah, his faithful Ambassador on Earth, that governs the world from the Golo Brdo in Rovinjsko Selo!
How to explain on two pieces of paper to “the only world power” that the force of just Ordeal is neither in the strength of Flying Fortresses nor it could be supported by the members of NATO alliance. The purpose of this exhibition is only one: to show clearly to Anglo-America that court that processes war criminals multiplied to “countless” on the grounds of Ex-Yugoslavia and Rwanda is actually processing itself! God has remembered war crimes carried out through the World War II. By bombing German cities, Pula and Zadar from Flying Fortresses Anglo-America committed war crimes, by its own criteria! The orchestrated members of NATO alliance that point to war crimes on Balkans put on trial God himself, who through Israel exterminated numerous nations in Promised Land. Particularly they want to judge God because in the war for HARMAGGEDON He will have to do the same to the corrupt, disobedient and conceited nations that know only their own law. Powerless and tired I tremble and whisper: May by Your judgment, oh Croatian King Michael, the river black as tar and white as snow flow through the streets of Anglo-American cities!
With salute: Abrek! On your knees!
M. Brajnovic – Eliah
The Embassy of Kingdom of God
Golo Brdo, Rovinjsko Selo
Kingdom of Croatia, 21st of December 2000
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Marčelo Brajnović was born in Rovinjsko Selo, Croatia, 22nd June, 1934. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts. His artistic activity beguns in 1953, along with the inauguration of the Rovinj’s Art Colony and his participation at the exhibition of the Art Group Val di Bora in Pula. He lived and worked in Rovinjsko Selo, Zagreb, Milano and Paris. Today he lives and works in his art residency on Golo Brdo in Rovinjsko Selo. Brajnović’s art carrier had a 15 years long standstill during his active participation with the Jehovah’s Witnesses community. Marčelo Brajnović didn’t receive adequate critical attention in spite of his participation at the numerous exhibitions in his home-country and abroad, the presence of his works in the numerous galleries as well as national and private collections throughout the world or awards he received at the international exhibitions. This fact was noticed during the 70-ties by art historians I. Zidić and V. Bužančić and from 1999 by B. Cerovac.